All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractDriveTrain |
AbstractDriveTrain.State |
ADGyro |
A wrapper around the Analog Devices ADXRS450.
ArmMath |
This class contains utils for calculating parameters of arms
AsyncADXRS450_Gyro |
AsyncDigitalInput |
AutoCamera |
Automatic camera streaming.
AutonomousSequence |
A wrapper for everything needed in an autonomous sequence
AxisAlignedBoundingBox |
A computer-vision axis-aligned bounding box.
BaseController |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
BaseLimeLight |
The base for interaction with LimeLight products.
BezierPath |
This class is used to generate points along a bezier curves
BlinkinDriver |
A wrapper for the REV Blinkin LED driver
BlinkinDriver.LEDSetting |
CANIfierEncoder |
A wrapper around the CTRE CANIfier's encoder interface that integrates with
5024's encoder system
Chassis |
Utils relating to a chassis
Chassis.Side |
Side face of the chassis
ChassisSide |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
ColorUtils |
CommonEncoder |
The CommonEncoder interface is designed to provide a unified interface
between the 3 encoder sources (ctre, wpi, revrobotics).
ComponentTelemetry |
ConfigValidator |
A tool for validating JSON configs
Consts |
Contour |
Contour is the base class for any type of computer-vision Contour
Controller |
The base class for all controllers
ControllerBase |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
CSVFile |
CSVFile is a class designed for one-time use.
CTREConfig |
A config class for Talons
CTREMotorFactory |
A Class for making talons
CurrentLimit |
CurrentLimitManager |
A class for running current limits
DCBrushedMotor |
DC Brushed motor constants.
DifferentialDriveCalculation |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
DifferentialDriveMath |
Utils for working with tank drives
DifferentialVoltages |
Reperesents two differential voltages named left, and right.
DriveTrainBase |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
DriveTrainBase.States |
DriveTrainConfig |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
DriveTrainOutput |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
DriveTrainSensors |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
DualPIDTankDriveTrain |
DualPIDTankDriveTrain is a TankDriveTrain implementation that uses two PID
controllers to control autonomous robot movement
ElevatorSystemSimulator |
ElevatorSystemSimulator is a utility for simulating the outputs of an
Elevator system based on its characteristics.
EncoderBase |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
EncoderElevatorController |
This is a wrapper around a state space plant, observer, motion profiling, and
EncoderSimulation |
EncoderSimUtil |
An internal class used for simulating encoder hardware
ExtendedCANCoder |
A wrapper around CTRE's CANCoder that integrates with 5024's encoder system
ExtendedPIDController |
ExtendedPIDController is an extension of WPILib's PIDController that adds a
few quality-of-life features
ExtendedPigeonIMU |
A wrapper for the CTRE PigeonIMU that brings it into the 5024 ecosystem.
ExtendedSparkMax |
An extension of the CANSparkMax with simulation support, and mappings from
CANEncoder to CommonEncoder for hot-swappability with CTRE products
ExtendedTalonFX |
The ExtendedTalonFX contains two extra features from WPI_TalonFX: - Ablilty
to get the attached sensor as a CommonEncoder object - Small fixes for 2020
simulation voltage bugs in HALSIM
ExtendedTalonSRX |
The ExtendedTalonSRX contains two extra features from WPI_TalonSRX: - Ability
to get the attached sensor as a CommonEncoder object - Small fixes for 2020
simulation voltage bugs in HALSIM
ExtendedVictorSPX |
The ExtendedVictorSPX contains an extra feature from WPI_VictorSPX: - Small
fixes for 2020 simulation voltage bugs in HALSIM
FakeScheduler |
FakeScheduler allows a user to Simulate robot timekeeping and task scheduling
in a unit test
FaultReporter |
Utility for tracking and reporting RoboRIO FPGA faults.
FieldTested |
Indicates that a class or method was successfully used by a team on an FRC
field (on or off season)
FileManagement |
This class handles session-based file management for the robot.
FileUtils |
Tools for working with the filesystem
FlywheelMath |
This class contains utils for calculating parameters of flywheels
FlywheelSystemSimulator |
FlywheelSystemSimulator is a utility for simulating the outputs of a Flywheel
system based on its characteristics.
FlywheelTuner |
A utility class for providing data to a robot telemetry client
FMSNetworking |
FMSNetworking.SocketType |
Follower |
A lookahead finder for finding new points in a 2D path.
FPGAClock |
Tools for interacting with the FPGA's high-precision clock
FRCFieldConstants |
Standard FRC field measurements.
Gear |
Shifter state
GenericEncoder |
Grapher |
Grapher is a utility for producing graphs from a unit test
GyroSimUtil |
A utility class for simulating gyroscope data based on two encoders
HallEffect |
Hall effect sensor
HyperbolicAxisAlignedBoundingBox |
IBinarySensor |
Interface for binary sensors
ICurrentController |
Common interface for devices that with current output controls
IDifferentialDrivebase |
Interface for a simple differential drivebase
IEncoderProvider |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
IGyroscope |
Common interface for all gyroscopes
IMGUIFieldReporter |
A tool that hooks into HALSIM to report the robot's simulated position to
IMotorCollection |
Common interface for any collection of motor controllers
IMotorGroupSafety |
Common interface for groups of motors with safety features
InputUtils |
Utils for working with drive inputs
InputUtils.ScalingMode |
Scale type / mode
IRampRateController |
A common interface for devices with configurable output ramp rates
ISimGyro |
IVoltageOutputController |
A common interface for devices that can be controlled with a desired output
JRADController |
A flywheel velocity controller designed by team 254, adapted and ported for
use by team 5024.
JSONEncoder |
JSON object for an encoder
JSONMotor |
JSON object for a motor
JSON object for PID gains
LazySolenoid |
Buffer solenoid commands to reduce CAN spam.
LimeLight1 |
Client for the LimeLight version 1.0
LimeLight2 |
Client for the LimeLight version 2.0 and 2+
LimeLightLEDMode |
Limelight LED mode setting
LimeLightOperationMode |
Limelight operation mode setting
LimeLightStreamMode |
Limelight stream mode setting
LimitSwitch |
LinearActuator |
PCM-Powered Linear actuator
LinearActuator.ActuatorState |
LineBreak |
LogCommand |
A command that will simply log a pre-set message to the console when run
Loggable |
Common interface for components that can be logged
Measurement |
MixedMotorCollection |
Deprecated. |
MockDigitalInput |
For mocking a digital input in tests
MockSpeedController |
For mocking a speed controller in tests
MotorMode |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
NavX |
A wrapper for the AHRS / NavX gyroscope
This wrapper adds support for gyro simulation, and adds some lib5k-specific
ObjectCounter |
A helper for counting the number of an object that exists
OpenLoopTankDriveTrain |
OpenLoopTankDriveTrain is a TankDriveTrain implementation that can only be
controlled manually.
Path |
A "Path" is a list of closely spaces points in space for a robot to follow.
PathFollowCommand |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PathFollowerCommand |
PathImporter |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PathImporter |
The PathImporter is a tool for importing Paths from config files
PDFController |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PDFGains |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PeriodicComponent |
Common interface for components that require periodic updates
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PIDProfile |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PIDv2 |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PIFController |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PIFGains |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
Pollable |
Poller |
You have been lied to.
PoseRelation |
Relation types
Position |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PressureSensor |
A wrapper for the Rev Robotics Analog Pressure Sensor
ProfiledTurret |
The ProfiledTurret class is to be used to control a turret of any kind.
PurePursuitController |
A pure pursuit controller implementation
RangeFinderElevatorController |
This is a wrapper around a state space plant, observer, motion profiling, and
RawPath |
The RawPath class lets you define Paths completely manually.
RevConfig |
RevMotorFactory |
A class for making rev Motors
RobotLogger |
A threaded logger for use by all robot functions
RobotLogger.Level |
Log level
The kRobot level will immediately push to the console, everything else is
queued until the next notifier cycle
RobotMath |
RobotMath is an extension of MathUtils, with some overloads for
robot-specific datatypes (the ewmath library is designed for general use, so
excludes these functions)
RobotPresets |
Robot presets are known measurement taken from various robots.
RobotPresets.DarthRaider |
Preset constants for 5024's Darth Raider
RobotPresets.DarthRaider.FlywheelPreset |
Characteristics of Darth Raider's flywheel
RobotPresets.Imaginary |
Preset constants for and imaginary, but realistic robot
RobotPresets.Imaginary.ElevatorPreset |
Characteristics of Imaginary's elevator
RobotProgram |
RobotProgram is the base class for all robot programs.
RotationMath |
Utils related to rotational math
Tools for messing with the HAL in questionable ways.
SafeNotifier |
SafeNotifier is a wrapper around the system Notifier with some extra error
handling built in.
SafeSystem |
A system with safety stops
SensorlessArm |
The SensorlessArm class is designed to control any type of arm that does not
have a rotational sensor (like an encoder or potentiometer).
SensorlessArm.SystemState |
SettlingController |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
ShifterType |
Type of gear shifter
SimpleFlywheelController |
This is a wrapper around a state space plant, observer, and LQR.
SingleInstanceJSONConfig<T> |
SingleInstanceJSONConfig is a tool for loading a JSON file into a Java object
SingleJointedArmController |
This is a wrapper around a state space plant, observer, motion profiling, and
SlewLimiter |
A tool for smoothing out joystick information (enforces a maximum rate of
SmartServo |
A beta wrapper around the Rev Robotics "smart servo".
Smoothing |
SmoothPath |
A smoothed path
SparkCollection |
Deprecated. |
SparkMaxEncoder |
StateHandler<T> |
StateMachine<T> |
StateMetadata<T> |
A container for metadata about a state.
StateSpaceSystem |
Common interface for a state-space system
SystemCharacteristics |
The characteristics of a system
TalonEncoder |
TalonHelper |
TalonSRXCollection |
Deprecated. |
TankDriveTrain |
TankDriveTrain is an implementation of AbstractDriveTrain for tank-drive
TBHController |
A Take-Back-Half controller designed for controlling flywheels.
Tested |
Indicates that a class or method was successfully used by a team on a robot
TestedInSimulation |
Indicates that a class or method was successfully tested in a simulated environment
ThrottleSteering |
Represents throttle and steering
TimedSlewLimiter |
An extension of SlewLimiter that acts a bit more like TalonSRX's rampRate
setting, and respects non 20ms periods
TimeScale |
TimeScale is a utility for calculating time-based scaling values.
TimeScale.Mode |
Timing modes
Toggle |
Used for toggle-based buttons
TurnToCommand |
A command for making drivetrains turn to a specific heading.
TurretBase |
TurretBase is the base class for all turret templates.
Untested |
Indicates that a class or method has not been tested
USBLogger |
The USBLogger is a class that is used to save a copy of all logs written to
RobotLogger to their own file.
USBVisionCamera |
USBVisionCamera.LEDMode |
VictorSPXCollection |
Deprecated. |
WPI_PathPoint |
This class is the datastructure used to parse WPILib Path json files into
something Lib5K understands.
WriteLock<T> |
A dataclass for storing a value, and if it should be written out or not