Using Lib5K in your robot project

Before following this guide, please ensure you have set up your development environment

The process for creating a robot project that uses Lib5K is a little different from the normal process for setting up a WPILib project. This document is specifically written for 5024 members.

The steps

  1. Creating a base project
  2. Downloading and configuring Lib5K as a Java library
  3. Download all vendor configuration files
  4. Setting up GitHub CI
  5. Configuring the correct Java package
  6. Ensuring everything works

Creating a base project

If this project is an official team project, get the lead programmer or a mentor to create a new public GitHub repo for this project. Make sure to follow the naming convention:

  • Real season projects are named after the game (ex. "2018 Power Up" = "PowerUp")
  • Offseason projects use the same name as the season they come after, plus -Offseason (ex. "PowerUp" -> "PowerUp-Offseason")
  • Anything else can have whatever name you want. If the repo is for an offseason project, make it private until everything looks presentable

Now that a repo is created, clone it, and use the WPILib VSCode extension to create a new WPILib project. Make sure to set the language as java, use the Advanced Skeleton as the project Template, 5024 as the team number, and enable Desktop Support. You may need to generate the project into a new folder on your computer, then copy all the files (including hidden files) into the repo, and push to git.

Downloading and configuring Lib5K as a Java library

If you are needing to use a custom version of Lib5K, or use some un-released features, follow the compiling Lib5K from source guide, and use the files in the lib5k/build/libs directory instead of downloading from GitHub

You will need to got to the latest release of Lib5K, and download the following files:

  • lib5k-all.jar
  • gradle5k.gradle
  • Any file ending in .py


This file contains everything needed to develop code, and deploy with Lib5K. The JAR comes with both the needed .class files for the Java compiler, and some extra files that provide VSCode with information about all the code inside (these files are what allow you to press F12 to get a definition).

Create a new folder at the root of your project called libs, and put the JAR file inside.

Now, you just need to tell Gradle that this file exists. Open up build.gradle and add the following lines inside the dependencies section:

dependencies {

    // Lib5K
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')


Open up .gitignore file, and if there is a line that says *.jar, remove it.

Python scripts

The .py files should all be placed into a folder at the root of your project called scripts


Gradle5K is a script we provide that contains everything needed to set up your project. Place it in the root of your project. To load the script, you will need to make a few changes to your build.gradle file. First, at the very top of the file, add the following (be sure to set the latest version number):

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url ""
  dependencies {
    classpath "edu.wpi.first:GradleRIO:2020.3.2"

Next, after the pre-existing plugins block, add this line:

apply from: "./gradle5k.gradle"

Finally, in the dependencies block, remove the following lines:

implementation wpi.deps.wpilib()
nativeZip wpi.deps.wpilibJni(wpi.platforms.roborio)
nativeDesktopZip wpi.deps.wpilibJni(wpi.platforms.desktop)

Make sure not to remove the second set of lines that looks similar. The first set loads WPILib (which we do for you in our script), and the second set loads third party code (which we do not do for you).


Your project will likely come with a folder called vendordeps. This is used by WPILib to load third party code into your project. If you do not have the folder, create it in the root of your project. Unzip the file we provide, and move all the files into your vendordeps folder. This will make sure you have the correct versions of everything we need.

Setting up GitHub CI

Create a .github folder and a folder in it called workflows. Add the following to a file in workflows called build.yml

name: Build Robot Code
on: [pull_request, push]
        os: [ubuntu-latest,  windows-latest]
    runs-on: $
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: actions/setup-java@v1
        java-version: 11
    - uses: eskatos/gradle-command-action@v1
        arguments: build

Configuring the correct Java package

Create a new folder at src/main/java with the path io/github/frc5024/y<current_year>/<robot_name>. For example, in 2020, the folder would be at src/main/java/io/github/frc5024/y2020/darthraider.

Move the file that was generated by WPILib into this folder, and fix the package name.

Create a new file in the new folder called, and add the following to it (subject to change with future releases of Lib5K):

package <package_name>;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.shuffleboard.Shuffleboard;
import io.github.frc5024.lib5k.autonomous.RobotProgram;

public class Main extends RobotProgram {

    public Main() {
        super(false, true, Shuffleboard.getTab("Main"));

    public void autonomous(boolean init) {

    public void disabled(boolean init) {

    public void teleop(boolean init) {

    public void test(boolean init) {

Now, open up build.gradle and change the ROBOT_MAIN_CLASS variable to match the new package name (don't forget to add .Main to the end of the package)

Ensuring everything works

Now, just run

# Linux:
./gradlew build

# Windows:
.\gradlew.bat build

and make sure everything builds correctly. Then, push to Git, and the robot project is ready to go! If anything goes wrong in this step, see the troubleshooting page for solutions.